
Showing posts from December, 2021

Communicate With Telepathically?

 For example, are cats more difficult than dogs? The simple answer to this question is "no." However , further exploration of this subject reveals that there are situations in which the answer might appear to be "yes." When learning to communicate telepathically with animals, some species may seem more difficult to communicate with due to specific factors. Some factors have to do with the individual human who is asking for the communication. Others have to do with the individual animal. However, it's been my experience that there is nothing about any individual species that makes telepathic communication with them more difficult than any other species. When I was just beginning as an Animal Communicator Professional, someone in a course I took said that cats are very hard to communicate with. This astonished me because I had never had any difficulty communicating with felines. FACTOR #1: The "fear" factor. If you're trying to communicate with an i...

Can Anyone Learn Animal Communication?

 telepathic from infancy. I know of one mother who has consciously used telepathic allworldwidenews with her twin boys since they were in her womb. She continued this after they were born, and both her boys continue to be telepathic with each other, with her, and with the family's animal companions. Yet, even when parents have not focused on communicating telepathically with their children, many young children who have animals in the family will speak telepathically with the animals very naturally. This was the case with me. We had lots of cats and dogs when I was a child, so I just naturally communicated with them. As we grow up, we may stop using our telepathic abilitie s because older children or adults ridicule us for speaking about our intuitive knowings and actual conversations with animals. For most people, this causes them to shut down and stop using telepathy with animals in a conscious way. I, myself, was rather lucky. When I would tell my parents what an animal had t...

Pandemic Nonprofit Phoning

 The Coronavirus pandemic of early 2020 has forced a new normal on virtually everyone, nonprofit organizations included. Governors' executive orders to shelter in place,  organizations restricting  travel, and preventative precautions leading us to work at our home desks now put a premium on using the phone and online meeting software. Who would have predicted that Alexander Graham Bell's innovative tool would experience a resurgence in 2020? It's not just smart phone apps, important as they are, but basic connectivity and communication that matter now. Unlike much social media that tends to isolate us from one another, the phone brings us closer. It makes possible and can even improve relationships. In March 2020, no one knows exactly how the coronavirus pandemic will play out. We know it will run its course sooner or later, we know people will suffer and some will die, we know the economy will take a hit, but we don't know how powerful this hit will be or for how lo...